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Галерея Dembowski

Gregory Dembowski Irina Orlova-Dembowski Studio Dembowski, Germany

From March 19 to March 22, 2020, Gregory Dembowski participates in the Sindelfingen-Stuttgart contemporary art fair

The exhibition "Russia today" begin in Germany Hagen in museum OSTHAUS. 15 desember 2017 wiyh the pictures Gregory Dembowski. The bexhibition willbe open antil february 2018.

Exhibition at the branch of the Russian Museum in Malaga "Tradition of resistance and opening" with pictures of Gregory Dembowski opened for February 2017

In December 2014 Gregory Dembowski successfully participated in ART MIAMI Context  2014

Solo exhibition of Gregory Dembowski was at the Museum Heylshov in Worms , Germany  in 2015.

Ladies and gentlemen! 

We gladly greet you at the Dembowski Art Studio web site.

The site contains works of the artists: Gregory Dembowski, Irina Orlova-Dembowski i.

Gregory Dembowski and Irina Orlova-Dembowski are well-known  artists of middle age, participants of many art exhibitions . Their works are placed in many state and private collections all over the world.

The site presents the Internet Exhibition of painting, graphics and monumental art (works in architecture) of different years, from 1980s till present days.

Doctor of Art Gregory Dembowski is well-educated and has been deeply studying world painting. Painting is not the work for him, but pleasure and delight, both in process and in result, though without labor, pain and mistakes there’s no real work of art. The artist treats his work with care and offers compositions that meet only highest standards. His favorite artists are impressionists, post-impressionists and the “Knave of diamonds” group of artists.

Gregory made many personal exhibitions . He participated in the auction of Soviet painting in 1991 in Chicago (USA) and exhibition in the Madrid Museum of modern art (Del Arto Contemporanio) in 1991. His works are in Moscow Museum of modern art. He was living and working in Paris. Participated in an art exhibition «Foire De Geneve» in 2008.

In 2010, Gregory took part in the international exhibition "Heaven" in the Russian Museum.

In 2011, the exhibition "Water Element" was organized, where works of Gregory Dembowski were presented also.

In 2011 grand solo exhibition of Gregory's works took place in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg and the Ludwig Museum in St. Petersburg. Great catalogue was published. His works are kept in the Russian Museum to St. Petersburg.Gregory is the author of many monumental compositions (works in architecture), Rome and Florentine porcelains, relieves, stained glasses, and also the interior design of many public and private buildings.

In 2012, Gregory was awarded the title of Professor of the International Academy of Architecture.

Now a lot of time spends in Germany working in his studio in Auerbach, Saxony.

In December 2014 Gregory successfully participated in international Art Fair ART MAIMI

Irina Orlova-Dembowski is younger and she is Gregory’s student, and at that having accepted the best, she managed to create her own independent and striking art.

Irina’s works are straightforward and sincere. Her favourite artists are Van Gogh, Munch, Goncharova.

Irina had two personal exhibitions , she is the participant of the legendary exhibition of Russian Advance Guard “Russian-Soviet contemporary art exhibition” in South Koreaand Japan in 1990, together with such authors as Vasily Kandinsky, Natalia Goncharova, Kazimir Malevich, Olga Rozanova, Mikhail Larionov and others.

You can order or buy the works of these artists.

The paintings are made with professional oil-based colours on professional canvases, in excellent condition, on canvas-stretchers, without frames.

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